Sunday, June 14, 2009

June 13, 2009: Flashflood Flashes to #1 On Soundclick

And yet another moment for Windrush: Flashflood hit #1 (out of 175,382 songs) on Soundclick's Rock chart. It was also ranked #1 (out of 36,508) on Soundclick's Rock General chart. And apparently there was some spillover clickage, as 7 Deadly Sins rose to #34 (out of 33,979 songs) on Soundclick's Alternative General chart and #146 (out of 144,262 songs) on the Alternative chart.

We're still trying to figure out what all this means, but happy nonetheless that someone is obviously listening to our music.

Windrush will get back to recording the follow-up album in the next few weeks. It will be another collection of originals - we've got a bunch of them waiting in line.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

June 2, 2009: Windrush Scores #1 Hit On Soundclick

Another momentous event in the journey of Windrush: That's All I've Got To Say (The Retirement Song) climbed to #1 (of 2,435 songs) in the Soundclick Unplugged Rock category and to #2 (of 174,924 songs) in the Rock category. The song was featured as the 'Promo Song Of The Day' on Soundclick 6/1/09 and apparently was clicked often enough to bring it to the top in one day. And, as a byproduct, it looks like Soundclick surfers also checked out a couple of other songs on the Windrush CD, bringing 7 Deadly Sins back up to #112 (of 33,508 songs) in the Alternative General category and Issues up to #48 (of 4,706) in the Funk category. Even though Simon Cowell has yet to call, it's truly a 'rush' to know that someone out there is listening.

And we received the first independent review of one of our songs, Paris, by Taxi, which is the world's largest independent A& R company. Their business is finding artists and songs and connecting them to opportunities in the music industry. Paris was submitted to Taxi for review as part of the arrangement we had with Discmakers to press the CD's. Taxi's review said the song, "has great ambience and a great instrumental sound", but could benefit from a tighter structure (verse/chorus/verse/chorus) and a hook to tie everything together. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being best), the ratings were: music=8, lyrics=7, marketability=7, arrangement=8, production=8, engineering=8. Pretty damn good for a first-time basement project and, ultimately, very encouraging. Wonder how the other Windrush songs would be rated......